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YES TV Ontario
Miracle Channel
How This is Your Story Came to Be
As North American Christians, many have let the most important part of their faith remain unspoken. Sometime between the early 1900s and today, followers of Jesus have let that incredible moment, the joy of their ‘born-again experience’ seem unimportant. Therefore, the Great Commission of Jesus is unfruitful in their lives. The solution – David, the king of Israel said in Psalm 51:12, 13 “Restore unto me the joy of Your salvation … then I will teach transgressors your ways and sinners shall be converted to You.” (NKJV)
‘This is Your Story’ is a movement! An awakening to bring back an essential part of faith by telling personal stories of transformation – your stories! In these candid interviews, real people share their riveting stories of God’s Power and Presence the moment that they found their faith – hoping to inspire others.
“So He [Jesus] got back into the boat. The man who had been possessed by the demons begged Jesus to let him go along. 19 But Jesus said no. “Go home to your friends,” he told him, “and tell them what wonderful things God has done for you; and how merciful he has been.” 20 So the man started off to visit the Ten Towns of that region and began to tell everyone about the great things Jesus had done for him; and they were awestruck by his story.
– Mark 5:18-20 (TLB)
Join us as our host, Robert Melnichuk, invites his guests to share their personal experience. These emotional, unscripted and heart-wrenching stories of transformation recount how people just like you, found their lives changed forever.
In reliving that exact moment, it has helped many of them gain a deeper understanding of their faith and personal relationship with Jesus. They’ve joined the movement to tell their story.
“In all of their stories, there was that point where they were at their lowest, they were desperate, they cried out for God and at that moment they knew He was there. In every episode, that’s the wow moment for me.”
– Robert Melnichuk
At just 13 years of age, Robert experienced his own spiritual transformation. Having been raised in an evangelical church, Robert knew up to that point he was a ‘fake,’ he knew all the Christian lingo but spiritually dead on the inside. But one summer night, everything changed. Robert heard a message at youth camp that totally transformed his life. In that one moment, he experienced Truth. Jesus became real. Robert remembers feeling so alive, so free, so clean!
Gifted with a knack for football, Robert was blessed with multiple scholarship offers to carry him through his post-secondary education. However, in his final championship game of high school, Robert fumbled the ball — 3 times! Something that had never happened to him before.
This was Robert’s pivotal moment — feeling rejected and disappointed, God spoke to him and told him that football wasn’t the direction for him. God was calling Robert to follow Him.
That same year, Robert was accepted into Masters College and Seminary, where he completed his Masters Ministerial Diploma. After graduation, his calling led him to serve congregations across Ontario to spread the Word.
In 2005, he began his career in broadcast. From radio to television, Robert has produced and hosted a variety of programs, including Missions Monday, What I Do, It’s Your Call, Let’s Talk, and interviews for 100 Huntley Street. In each production, Robert has interviewed people based on their faith experience.
Now, he has been moved to dig a little deeper and talk about the pivotal transformation moments. Today, Robert hosts This is Your Story, unearthing the transformative change that, like his guests, he himself experienced. Through these intimate conversations, Robert’s guests demonstrate the power of the gospel by sharing their faith in Jesus Christ.
“I knew Jesus was real. He changed my life, and I could feel it. Going forward, my life has never been the same.”
– Robert Melnichuk